Bloomfield Cuban
Havana Sandwich Cafe, originally uploaded by bloomfieldguy. When we restarted our search for a house in Bloomfield earlier this year, we made an effort to explore some of the restaurants here and in the surrounding area (trans: Montclair) and were delighted to come across a solid assortment to choose from, both in price and cuisine,
Cruising the Center
Sweet Rides, originally uploaded by bloomfieldguy. The Bloomfield Center Alliance sponsors two events in the summer that nicely represent one of the more appealing differences between living in the sortaburbs and living in the City: Cruise Night and the Farmer’s Market. While a Farmer’s Market isn’t terribly unique — I haven’t visited yet, but after
Bloomfield Station
This is the Bloomfield station where I catch the train into the City every day. It’s a shame that this part of it is in such a state of disrepair — especially considering the other side just got a nice facelift — but politics have apparently gotten in the way of its restoration and the
Breaking Ground
There are 8 million stories in the naked city, plus another 2-3 million, give or take, if you count the transplants who still commute in for work from the surrounding cities and towns in Long Island, Connecticut and, yes, New Jersey. From Bloomberg to Bloomfield is my story, a native New Yorker on his third
Ignorance is Bliss
Call me a latte-sipping elitist if you want*, but there are some truly stupid people in this country. Even worse, they’re willfully stupid! Via Ben Smith’s “Things Americans Believe”: 10% of Americans believe [Barack] Obama’s a Muslim … 22% believe President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance. 30% believe Saddam had weapons of
Monday Mash-Up, 3/17/08
1) I am swamped. Between the start of the new job only one week away (which kicks off with a trip out to Cincinnati) and the [mostly good] stress of our impending house purchase (attorney review is winding down; inspection is on Saturday), I’m a week behind on Spindle‘s March update and am going to have
Spitzer steps on his own d…
I liked Eliot Spitzer, in theory, when he came roaring into Albany, taking over as our Governor from the lame George Pataki and, determined to break the stalemate between state Democrats and Republicans, promised to steamroll anyone who got in his way as he drove the unethical from the temple in one glorious sweep of righteous fury!
About the Farrakhan moment
[youtube:] The lowlight of tonight’s debate was, without question I think, when Tim Russert referenced Louis Farrakhan’s “endorsement” of Barack Obama this past weekend, asking if he accepted his support, and after Obama clearly and completely denounced Farrakhan’s past statements about Jews and Judaism as “unacceptable and reprehensible” and defended his own record on Jewish issues and U.S.-Israel relations,
Monday Mash-up, 2/25/08
1) Virginia was simultaneously relaxing and a bit of a disappointment as the weather sucked the whole time we were there so we didn’t get any outside time. I stayed home on Wednesday night intending to get to bed early but my empty-house-insomnia was in full effect and I ended up falling asleep around 2am. When I booked
Monday Mash-up, 2/18/08
1) Spindle had a great week last week with a strong February update that generated our highest single-day traffic spike yet, and the announcement of our first contest, “Play Ball” — which offers a $50 honorarium for the best baseball / stickball / cricket-related poetry, fiction and non-fiction from a New York City perspective — has been