Today is the the first anniversary of my official appointment as a financial advisor with American Express. What a difference a year makes! Swung by the office on Saturday night while we were in Virginia, fully expecting to see at least one poor soul still working but, to my surprise, everyone was gone. They finally disabled my access to the Market Group web site so I can't check who's still there and how everyone's doing any more. The only two people I'm still in touch with left before me and moved out of the area. Guess that chapter is now…
It's been a hectic week since last I checked in and I'm tired and sore as hell. The move is pretty much done. Painted and assembled on Friday; drove to Virginia through steady rain on Saturday; hung out in Norfolk on Saturday night; loaded the truck and drove back on Sunday; moved it all in on Monday; did more assembling and started unpacking on Tuesday. Should actually sleep in the apartment for the first time this coming Saturday. Woo-hoo!!! Saturday night in Norfolk was fun, if unexpected. The hotel in Virginia Beach was a waste of driving as the rain…
Smallville is the best dramatic adaptation of a comic book to ever appear on TV. Don't hate, appreciate. Just started watching it again a few weeks ago after missing the latter half of the first season and the first half of this season and what they've managed to develop over that time makes for one of the most engaging shows out there. The overlay of teen angst and trials of adolescence breathes a life into the Superman mythos that has never been present in its other incarnations. I'd always found him one of the most boring comic book characters out…
Welcome to the next edition of getting to know your friends. What you're supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it nto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all of the answers so they apply to you. Then, send this to a whole bunch of people you know *INCLUDING* the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you'll learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. And it's just stupid fun. 1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? 5:30am if I'm on time, 6:15am if not.…
Josh Gracin. Why does this twangy fool irritate me so? I've been Googling him to get some more information on his status and it's all annoyingly vague and largely supportive. It's disgusting that this guy is living it up in a mansion in the Hollywood Hills, "pursuing his dream," supposedly using his leave-time to remain on the show. Granted, he's not infantry (some kind of maintenance) but the fact of the matter is that we're at war, some of his unit IS deployed and it's a total insult to the other kids who, if not actually in Iraq risking their…
Quien es Dame Edna?
Dame Edna… My goodness.
If I get one more email sent to me about boycotting Vanity Fair because Dame Edna made racist comments about Latinos, I think I might lose my mind! I mean, really!
First of all, it’s a dipshit magazine with great photos and the occasional good article, packaged for people that think they’re too good for…well, People! Second, it’s obvious that anyone that forwards the email in question neither reads the magazine or has a clue who Dame Edna is.
How exactly do you boycott something you don’t patronize to begin with anyway? And how do you convince those that actually DO patronize it to boycott when they know from jump that you don’t what the hell you’re talking about?!?!