Tag: Writing

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: Greg Rucka, Novelist

I first came across Greg Rucka’s work in Gotham Central, during his Eisner Award-Winning “half a life” story arc (issues #6-10). In it, he puts his protagonist, Detective Renee Montoya, through the ringer in a well-paced, character-driven story of obsession and revenge. I’d only returned to comics less than six months prior at that point

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Indie Spotlight: February 2005

[From the ridiculous to the random to the superb, a quick roundup of notable indie comics (aka, not Marvel or DC proper, though Vertigo, Icon, Image, et al, do qualify) I picked up in the past month. Release dates may vary.] Realizing a few weeks back that I didn’t have a single Image title on

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Interview: Dabb on Atomika

Andrew Dabb is a busy man. Between writing Megacity909 and Mu for Studio Ice/Devil’s Due, and Ghostbusters for 88mph Studios, you’d think his plate was full enough. But starting this March, he teams up with artist Sal Abbinanti for Atomika, “a groundbreaking story of men, supermen and the forces that shape our reality,” set in

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Interview: O’Reilly on Arcana Studio, Part I

In the midst of my ever-growing pull list, there is an elite group of comic books that rank as Must-Buys, even if it means eating Ramen for lunch all week! Two of the books currently in that group are published by Arcana Studio, the fledgling Canadian indie that is home to 100 Girls and Ezra.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: Ant: Days Like These (TPB)

There’s a perennial debate on which creative setup works best in comics, the collaboration or the solo creator. With superior examples on both sides, of course, there is no definitive answer, but for every good example, there’s at least as many bad ones. Creator/writer/artist Mario Gully’s intriguing concept – eight-year old Hannah Washington creates an

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Getting the 1st Chapter Right

The Chapter One contest I’m one of the judges for is finally wrapping up. 125 manuscripts, the majority of which, like a poetry slam, went the maximum 20 pages! The panel wasn’t able to meet in person so the contest coordinator is…um, coordinating our top six choices, trying to come up with a representative final

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: Writers on Comics Scriptwriting 2

Comic book writers are a special lot, even among creative types, fitting somewhere between performance artists and mimes in mainstream perception. Whereas Mark Salisbury’s excellent first edition, published in 1999, featured many of the Modern Age’s future Hall of Famers – including Warren Ellis, Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller and Grant Morrison – Tom Root and

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: Chango’s Fire by Ernesto Quiñonez

There is something simultaneously appealing and frustrating about Ernesto Quiñonez’s second novel, Chango’s Fire, a marked improvement over his highly-flawed debut, Bodega Dreams, but in the end, still something of a disappointment. This time, the problem lies in his biting off more than he can chew with too many subplots rolling around what is essentially

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

NaNoWriMo 2004 Update: 15,609

While technically NaNoWriMo ended yesterday, practically speaking, I fell off the wagon two weeks ago and never managed to get back on. Final word count: 15,609. Well short of the 50,000 word goal, but an amazing leap forward for me in terms of self-discipline. For the first two weeks, at least. I take some solace

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.


Thursday, October 31, 2013: Sherman Park, NY, USA Herman Ruth stood perfectly still, partially hidden behind a large oak tree three hundred yards into Leitas Pond Park, directly across from Detective Eric Pearson’s house. It was the first time he’d observed the house, but it was the first time he had company doing it. His

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