Poem-A-Day Challenge: Days 16-19
I’m falling behind more frequently as the month progresses, but still trying to stick to the 30/30 goal instead of combining a few prompts into a single poem. Every one of my NaPoWriMo poems has been a first draft, but these four are especially so. Prompt: Pick a color, make that the title of your
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Days 14-15
I was stumped by yesterday’s prompt and had to sit on it for a day, so I’m doubling up to hit the halfway point right on schedule! Prompt: “Two for Tuesday”: Write a love poem or write an anti-love poem. Prompt: Take the title of a poem you especially like (by another poet) and change
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 13
Prompt: Write a poem that incorporates a hobby (either yours or someone else’s). THIRTEEN LINES “Hobby” is a loaded word, literally defined as a distraction from necessary evils, a pleasurable pursuit stopped short of sin, but Monday nights were no more hobby than a Christian’s Sunday morning service, the open mic a confessional, poets, a full-throated
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Days 10-12
Fell behind this weekend; catching up in bulk! Prompt: Write a poem about Friday. Prompt: Write a poem about an object (or objects). Prompt: Take the phrase “So we decided to (blank)” and fill in the blank. Make that your title and write a poem. ODE TO FRIDAY Friday used to be a relief, a
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 9
Prompt: Write a poem about a memory. NOT LIKE IT USED TO BE Every job I’ve ever had, I always seem to have just missed the good old days. STFU and GBTW.
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 8
Prompt: Write a poem about either a specific routine or routines in general. SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER The beginning of a new season revives the spirit, like a clown handing a child a bright new balloon that will pop five minutes after he gets it home. Being a Mets fan from the Bronx requires a thick skin quick wit, and
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 7
Prompt: “Two for Tuesday”: Write a “clean” poem or write a “dirty” poem. URBAN PLAYGROUND On my block trees were few and far between, caged for their own good, roots straining against concrete manacles for freedom. Dirt was plentiful, manmade — soda cans, candy wrappers, cigarette butts, lottery tickets — nothing that could nurture a
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 6
Prompt: Write a poem about something missing. It can be about an actual physical object or something you just can’t put your finger on. NEVER AS SIMPLE AS IT SEEMS Home used to be defined by the brief view of Yankee Stadium from the 4 train as it pulled into the station. The House that
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 5
Prompt: Write a poem about a landmark. It can be a famous landmark (like Mount Rushmore or the Sphinx) or a little more subdued (like the town water tower or an interesting sign). SIGNPOSTS On the northside: grass clippings, popsicle sticks, Sunday newspaper circulars. On the southside: crushed soda cans, crumpled lottery tickets, church service
Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 4
Prompt: Pick an animal; make that animal the title of your poem; then, write a poem. CHICKENS The family pet is a precarious decision, like adopting someone you know will die before you and yours. We could not agree on a dog or a cat; the former too much like a third child, the latter