Category: Personal

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Spindle: New content for February

I had a productive day off from the 9-to-5 yesterday, and in between DVDs of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and Throwdown with Bobby Flay (along with a shark jumping new episode of iCarly), I posted another round of great content to the site yesterday, including poetry and fiction by Aaron Bair, Lawrence Clayton, Jessica Colley,

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Plants Are People, Too

Ken Druse, author of Planthropology, declares that “plants get no respect”, but that recognizing them as individual beings brings them to life…and proves it!

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Spindle Update: We’re Back!

Can you believe Spindle “officially” launched just over a year ago?  Or that it has been 9 long months since we had a full update?!? Of course you do because you’ve been anxiously refreshing the home page ever since, or triple-checking your favorite RSS reader in a desperate attempt to make some fresh new NYC-flavored

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

The Return of Spindle (and a call for help)

When it comes to Spindle, I often refer to “we” but the reality is that it’s 99.5% me; I’m a control freak and have no shame admitting it. Of course, that has a rather extreme down side to it, too. I have a couple of poetry editors who are more like consultants whom I run

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Kids and Gardening are a Perfect Match

One of the most gratifying things was seeing how excited my 8-year-old son was about helping out in the garden and I’m really looking forward to having him out there with me again in the Spring.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Liveblog: Take One for the Team?

4:00pm: I’m seriously conflicted. I’ve been a NY Jets fan forever, since way back in the days of Mattel’s crack-like handheld Football, when I pretended the little glowing dashes were Richard Todd, Wesley Walker and Bruce Harper. Unlike the Mets, to whom I converted in the early 80s after my favorite Yankees moved on, my

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Happy Holidays

Flickr Photo Download: Snowy Gnomes Blogged with the Flock Browser

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

The Mind Reels

With only a few days remaining for last-minute surprises, 2008 has been one for the books on so many levels — personally, professionally, globally — the mind truly does reel. And reels, and reels, and reels… perhaps somehow what I imagine bonefishing might be like? (h/t to one of my newfound loves of the year,

It's A Wonderful Life

How Wonderful Is It?

Back in 1996, when I was publishing my short-lived zine, zuzu’s petals — which, in a wonderful bit of circularity, played a significant role in my getting married! — I wrote a pretty cynical essay about why I loved It’s A Wonderful Life, not so much for its purportedly uplifting message, but rather for its “unintentionally subversive message”.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

This is the moment

[Liveblogging throughout the day, because I want to remember as much of this as possible…] 11:45pm: Wow. President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama. Drop the “elect” and it rolls off the tongue. I’m kind of speechless, actually. It’s all over but the big speech; a speech that, after a string of amazing speeches, will be the biggest

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