On comics and other pop culture topics, including archived Comic Book Commentary posts from 2005-2007.

On The Shelves: 3/22/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month...or not. Who cares? Between Blogger and Gmail's sporadic outages the past week or so, and some behind-the-scenes dustups that are really testing my patience for this labor of love shit, I'm feeling rather jaded and cynical these days. That's a bad combination, but there's light at the end of the tunnel, so I still have my fingers crossed. Anyway, here's my weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 3/22/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If…

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COMMENT: Buying Habits…and How to Change Them

First, read Ed Cunard’s post criticizing the Independents’ Day campaign (read the comments, too), then read my intro to yesterday’s On the Shelves. Both got me thinking about the comics I currently buy and enjoy, how they compare to what I was buying and enjoying this time last year, and offered a bit of insight into why my to-read pile is growing out of control.

In the comments to Cunard’s post, I mention a conversation I had the other night:

…about the cyclical nature of comics buying, how some of us move from nostalgia/habit to experimentation to comfort, while others get locked into a particular mode, by choice or lack of awareness. Where I think I’ve been shifting into comfort mode recently, only buying comics I enjoy regardless of what genre or publisher, this Independents’ Day is a great idea for those stuck in nostalgia/habit mode.

Ed and others have issues with the Independents’ Day idea, some valid, some overly nitpicky. In the end, though, I’m a believer in taking action, and if there’s a group of fan/creators who see the ID campaign as a rallying point that will inspire them to taking action, more power to them. IMO, it’s similar to The Hive, except the ID campaign focuses on the Direct Market while The Hive is attempting to look beyond it. Both are valid concepts with great intentions, and you could nitpick either of them to death if you have nothing better to do, but they can really only be judged by their end results.

Anyway, the buying habits thing jumped out at me in the midst of all of this as I’m on the verge of drastically overhauling my pull list. Again.

When I started this blog, I was on the fringes of “nostalgia” mode, enjoying some of the stuff I remembered from my youth, but starting to seek out new things to read. Overwhelmed by the variety of comics on the racks every Wednesday, I did what I do in mainstream bookstores when I’m looking for something new: I browse until I find something that strikes my fancy. Sometimes it’s the author; sometimes it’s the back cover copy or a blurb from a writer I like; sometimes it’s the cover image itself (though that’s more often a turnoff than an inspiration, especially with genre fiction). It’s certainly never the publisher. In fact, of my favorite writers — Larwence Block, Matt Ruff, Carl Hiaasen — I have no idea who publishes their work, nor do I care.


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On the Shelves: 3/15/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! Check out the Independents' Day Campaign, a rallying cry for comics fans to...you guessed it -- TRY SOMETHING NEW: "This coming New Comics Day, give up your copy of Teen Titans and New X-Men and consider instead Femforce, Hero Squared, GI Joe America's Elite or Starship Troopers Blaze Of Glory." Ironically, I feel like I've hit the wall with my own sampling, much more likely to pick up an OGN or TPB than I am a new floppy these days. I have no interest in subsidizing the industry and its broken business…

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COMMENT: Friends & Enemies in the Digital Age

In the midst of the whole Speakeasy dustup two weeks ago, Ed Cunard made an interesting point that I wanted to address on the front end of the blog. Of course, Guy, you're also friends and coworkers at Pop Culture Shock with some creators that got screwed by Speakeasy. Just saying--it seems like everyone talking about this story has some horse in the race, or at least a pony or something else small and horse-like that runs. He's referring to the Elk's Run gang there -- Josh and Jason, in particular -- both of whom I wouldn't hesitate to consider…

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LINK: Why Batman Annual #25 Sucked

Don't take my word for it, since I've hated the Jason Todd returns angle from the very beginning and was extremely biased going into this issue, which I read in the store and then put right back on the shelf, eyes completely glazed over and, for the first time ever, looking forward to reading a Grant Morrison story.Instead, take One Guy's (no relation) word for it, as posted on Four Color Meat & Fish:Is This the End of Zombie Jason?I had been against the idea of Jason Todd’s return from the start... But Judd [Winick] went and did something that…

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COMMENT: Riddick Comics?

from Comingsoon.net (x-posted to Buzz Blog):"It took me five years to make 'The Chronicles of Riddick,'" says Vin Diesel, "and [I'm] very precious about it. It went through many, many, many writers. Hopefully it won't take five years for the next one. But when I was in the process of creating this mythology for 'Chronicles of Riddick,' the idea was to create a story, a trilogy, that would start at the end of 'Pitch Black' in the same way that 'Lord of the Rings' is a trilogy that starts at the end, essentially, of 'The Hobbit.' So I wanted 'The…

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On The Shelves: 3/8/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 3/8/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com] PICK OF THE WEEK BrownsvilleABRAMS Moms Cancer HC, $12.95 No idea what this is, but it's a catchy title that would certainly get me to pick it up and give it a flip-through. That it's published by…

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