Buzzscope Reviews: 6/29/05
Forgotten Realms: Dark Elf Trilogy – Homeland #1An amazing addition to the four-color fantasy genre that has little going for it these days beyond Conan and Mu. As a D&D fan, it’s the next best thing to playing the game. PLUS, interview with writer Andrew Dabb. Blacklight #1What would you do if you had super-powers?
Buzzscope Reviews: 6/22/05
APComics 2005 PreviewCharging full-price for marketing promotions isn’t cool. If this were a Free Comic Book Day offering, or even a $0.99 promo, it might have earned an A. Catwoman #44New creative teams are always a good time to peek in on a title you’ve never read before, or dropped a while back, and Pfeiffer
Comment: Handicapping Batman Begins
As of Tuesday, June 21, Batman Begins has made $84,928,817 at the domestic box office, already ranking it as the 20th highest-grossing comic book adaptation ever. The Top 5 on that list are: Spider-Man: $403,706,375 Spider-Man 2: $373,585,825 Batman: $251,188,924 Men in Black: $250,690,539 X2: X-Men United: $214,949,694 Assuming a typical 50% dropoff this weekend,
Pull List Review: June 2005
Here’s what I’m currently buying on a regular basis, and why. What about you? 100 GirlsBecause it’s a great story, and Adam Gallardo‘s an interesting guy. 15 MinutesBecause it makes C-list superheroes interesting. Action PhilosophersBecause it’s smart and funny and takes more than 5 minutes to read each issue. ArañaBecause I really wanted it to
Buzzscope Reviews: 6/15/05
Batman Begins: The Official Movie AdaptationWhile hitting all of the major plot points, there are several moments where Nolan must have altered the script during shooting to tighten things up that Beatty obviously wasn’t privy to, completely ruining its function as an “official” adaptation of the movie and making its very existence ultimately pointless. Black
Retro: Runners #1-5
Atari Force was one of my favorite comics as a kid, and of course Star Wars remains one of the most influential movies I’ve ever seen, and Sean Wang’s Runners evokes fond memories of both, with a welcome dose of humor thrown in the mix. Clever scripting and nice, clean artwork, I will be seeking out the other four issues to this series as soon as possible.
Going Back to ‘ginia…
I don’t think so! It is nice to get away to, though. We haven’t gotten all that much more sleep than usual but we’re definitely a lot more relaxed. Being here makes me want a backyard the way people without kids want their own after babysitting for a few hours. Except I know better! The
Buzzscope Reviews: 6/8/05
Skyscrapers of the Midwest #2A cynical, emotionally resonant tour de force of poetic impressionism whose overall effect is simultaneously heart-wrenching and thought-provoking. Adventures of EBONYC #1Danny Kimanyen’s earnest, hip-hop-influenced spin on the kid superhero genre is chock full of potential… Gotham Central #32Rucka borrows from the classic horror story twist ending where karma comes around
Comment: Synergy, A Summer Blockbuster Staple
With less than a week to go, the full court press is on to promote Batman Begins. I stated in a previous post that my Dad asked me when it comes out. The marketing gurus of DC’s prized possession must be grinning ear-to-ear when they can get a 52-year old who was never into comics
Review: Batman Begins
Just came out of an advance screening of Batman Begins and was fully intending to review it here but my mind is still reeling. HOLY MUTHAFUCKING SHIT!!!! You’ll have to wait til next week for more than that because I don’t want to spoil a single thing. And there’s plenty to spoil. Woah. Tip your