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INFO: Bravo’s Ultimate Super Heroes, Villains & Vixens



Interviews include George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, Mike Myers, James Earl Jones, Kirsten Dunst, Hugh Jackman, Jessica Alba, Vivica A. Fox, Bryan Singer, Stan Lee, Mark Hamill and Lou Ferrigno

BURBANK, Calif. — April 21, 2005 — It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Bravo’s three-part special “Ultimate Super Heroes, Ultimate Super Villains, Ultimate Super Vixens.” The series premieres Thursday, May 26 (10-11 p.m. EST) and will air the same bat time, same bat channel for three consecutive nights.

Narrated by one of television’s classic super heroes Adam West, who portrayed Batman in the hit TV series, Bravo’s upcoming special celebrates the heroes, villains and vixens who have created powerful impressions on fans throughout the years. More than 50 experts, ranging from comic book creators to filmmakers and producers to the actors who brought these characters to life, were consulted for the formation of the super-powered top 20 countdown lists in each category.

The super heroes, super villains and super vixens were chosen from characters who have appeared in comic books, movies, television, and/or video games. All choices were based on the characters’ longevity, their iconic pop-culture status, and their overall “cool factor.” Comic buffs won’t want to miss celebrities dishing on the ins and outs of their favorite characters, including Lou Ferrigno discussing The Hulk’s relatable human side and Mark Hamill talking about his total commitment to creating the fantasy that surrounded “Star Wars.”

With a combination of cutting edge graphics, film clips, celebrity and expert interviews, Bravo’s “Ultimate Super Heroes” specials look at the popularity and longevity of each list topper. Exclusive interviews include actress Vivica A. Fox (“Batman and Robin, ” Kill Bill: Vol. 1″), comic book writer Stan Lee (“X-Men,” “Spider-Man,” “Fantastic Four”), actor Hal Sparks (“Spiderman 2”), director Bryan Singer (“X-Men,” “X-Men 2”), actor Bill Mumy (“Twilight Zone,” “Babylon 5”), comic book writer Todd McFarlane (“Spawn”), actor Mark Hamill (“Star Wars”), actor Lou Ferrigno (“The Incredible Hulk”) and Chairman/CEO Marvel Studios Avi Arad (“X-Men,” “Daredevil,” “Elektra”).

“Ultimate Super Heroes, Ultimate Super Villains, Ultimate Super Vixens” is produced by Prometheus Entertainment and Fox Television Studios in association with Bravo.

Full press release here.

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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