Say What?: State of the Union Edition
“The members of the 9/11 Commission, since we finished our work, have been very careful not to participate in a number of documentaries and at least a couple of books on the subject. We have believed since the beginning that what we have said and the official report itself ought to stand alone on its
HYPE: Comic Book Challenge Finalists
One of PopCultureShock’s contributors, Ryan Burton (who conducted the recent Becky Cloonan interview, and has a couple more in the pipeline), has been named a finalist in Platinum Studios’ Comic Book Challenge for his story “The Six Sinners”. “The Six Sinners is about a group of people make a pact with the devil to capture
LINK: Comic Movie Tidbits
ITEM: Heath Ledger as the Joker? Hmm… not a terrible choice, but I don’t know that he’s got the required gravitas for the role. If that’s the direction Nolan is going, though, I’d rather see Ryan Phillipe given a shot at it. Of course, my number one choice remains Terrence Howard. ITEM: The Incredible Hulk‘s
Parent’s Day at Summer Camp
Isaac’s Day Camp held its Parent’s Day today, busing a sweaty microcosm of the Bronx up to the woods of Pearl River for a few hours to see how much fun the kids are having every day, and why they fall asleep so easily at bedtime! Isaac was already in the pool for their morning
POLL: Robin, The Boy or Man Wonder?
You Decide!!
They Said it Wouldn’t Last!
Salomé and I celebrate our 8th anniversary today!
On The Shelves: 7/19/06
Read GOOD Comics, not just the ones you’re used to! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 7/19/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure
Review: Iron West
Iron West By Doug TenNapel (Image Comics, 2006; $14.99) Going for wacky is a dangerous gambit, particularly in comics where it can easily drift over into unintentional camp or, even worse, come completely unhinged and end up convoluted and unfunny, so when I realized Doug TenNapel‘s Iron West included both Sasquatch and the Loch Ness
LINK: Raising the Bar for Comics Journalism
Heidi MacDonald — of the recently relocated The Beat, and defender of all that is righteous in the comics world — proves that, with great power comes great responsibility, using the high-profile visibility of her new Publisher’s Weekly platform to…well, to dish dirt. Dept. of Scandal I A while ago we told you about budding
CBC Quickees: On Pirates and Expatriates
The Left Bank GangBy Jason (Fantagraphics, 2006; $12.95) Why Are You Doing This?, an enthralling Hitchkockian mystery with a big heart, was my first exposure to the Norwegian cartoonist Jason, and it firmly put him on my list of creators from whom I’ll check out anything they do. Unfortunately, for me, his English translations are