Obama, I Choose You!

Back in 2004 I discovered an election sim called President Forever via a random Google ad on my old blog, bought it and spent many a late night frustrated over my unsuccessful attempts to lead Dennis Kucinich to simulated victory over Dubya. No surprise, really, but it was still a fun game that nicely married a few of my favorite things: politics, simulation and strategy games, and fantasy sports. (That same heady mix of total control and total lack of control that often gets me in trouble in real life!) It was when I couldn’t get Kerry or Edwards over the hump after several tries, though, that I began to get legitimately worried about reality; and the rest is sad, sad history.

So of course, after saying just a couple of weeks ago that I wasn’t going to become emotionally invested in this year’s election — to the point where I was purposefully limiting my exposure to any of the candidates, avoiding some of my favorite shows like Hardball and Meet the Press, only skimming relevant posts on my politically vocal friends’ blogs, effectively being the dreaded Average American — I caved and started researching the so-called Big Three Democrats: Clinton, Obama and Edwards.

Then I discovered Talking Points Memo and their Election Central coverage, and it was pretty much over.

Register to Vote: Rock the Vote, powered by Credo Mobile

I was still on the fence between Obama and Edwards at that point, but the combination of this Vanity Fair interview with Obama’s wife, Michelle, and Kucinich’s latest “second choice” ploy in Iowa — the same move he pulled in 2004 that put Edwards on my radar to begin with — knocked me off and I am now officially and fully in Barack Obama’s corner. So much so, I’m going to attempt to change my party affiliation back to Democrat in order to vote in the primary next month, something I didn’t even do for Kucinich back in 2004. It might be too late for me, but it’s not too late for YOU if you’re not already registered.



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The New loudpoet.com

It's a new year so it must be time for me to relaunch one of my websites, right? While Spindle's official launch isn't until January 9th, I snuck in some work on my own website, loudpoet.com, over the past two days and have officially relaunched it today. It will once again be Command Central for all things Guy: Writer while Vox will be for the more personal stuff, like family updates, silly memes, and non-essential rants. (LiveJournal will be for x-posting from Vox for as long as the Russians allow loudpoet.com, and commenting on other LJs only.) Happy New Year! Read and post comments…

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Hello, 2008!

Whether it’s the new job after 4+ years at my previous one; or my creative writing getting a much-needed kickstart thanks largely to a focused return to the slam scene; or my ending a $100+/month, love/hate relationship with comic books and along with it abandoning the one outlet that had kept me writing since 2005; or finally tackling my dream of publishing with the soft launch of Spindle — to say 2007 was a year of personal transition would be a bit of an understatement. Plus, I quit smoking, lost 15 lbs. and started going back to the gym on a regular basis, getting back into shape and pushing the inevitable mid-life crisis back a few more years!

All in all, hindsight being 20/20, while it wasn’t a perfect year by any means, the pros outweigh the cons and I feel like I’m in a pretty good position to continue to move forward in 2008.

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, generally speaking, but I think having a To Do list is always a good idea and January 1st is as good a time as any to revise and/or update it.


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Randomonia, 12/17/07

Clemens on HGH 1a) Roger Clemens has always been a douchebag, but now he's a cheating douchebag. F.P. Santangelo's candid comments about his own usage really put that whole bat-throwing incident with Mike Piazza back in 2000 in perspective, too: "[HGH] changes who you are. If you're a jerk, you become a bigger jerk. If you're impatient, you become more impatient. It accentuates whatever personality you have to the utmost. It gives you this false confidence." 1b) Haven't really dug into it yet but this site -- http://www.baseballssteroidera.com/ -- looks like it will make for interesting reading over the holidays. 2a) "Moral…

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Me on IndieFeed

IndieFeed My poem Prodigal Son is being featured on IndieFeed as "Part 4 of a 9 part series, celebrating the release of Words in Your Face: A Guided Tour Through 20 years of the New York City Poetry Slam by Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz!" It's the live version from the nycSLAMS CD (2000), but it includes some great (and extremely flattering!) commentary from the host, Mongo, and Cristin, and is worth a listen even if you fast-forward past the poem itself. NOTE: Mongo's reference to "Prodigal Son II" is actually the revised version of the previously untitled "Yankeee" poem I wrote back in October after A-Rod…

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Me on IndieFeed

My poem Prodigal Son is being featured on IndieFeed as "Part 4 of a 9 part series, celebrating the release of Words in Your Face: A Guided Tour Through 20 years of the New York City Poetry Slam by Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz!" It's the live version from the nycSLAMS CD (2000), but it includes some great (and extremely flattering!) commentary from the host, Mongo, and Cristin, and is worth a listen even if you fast-forward past the poem itself. NOTE: Mongo's reference to "Prodigal Son II" is actually the revised version of the previously untitled "Yankeee" poem I wrote back in October after A-Rod opted…

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