PROPS: Gingko Press

I've still not gotten around to doing a New York Comic-Con wrapup, here or at PopCultureShock -- my week-late Establishing Shots column may get written in time for next week, if I'm lucky -- as there's several comics I picked up that I want to read first, but I wanted to give props to one book in particular:Alphabet City: Out on the Streets, by Michael De Feo. It's an ABC board book with a twist, as De Feo opts for presenting a mix of typical and offbeat words in unusual locations. ie: "F" is represented by a simple, hand-drawn flower…

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COMMENT: Riddick Comics?

from (x-posted to Buzz Blog):"It took me five years to make 'The Chronicles of Riddick,'" says Vin Diesel, "and [I'm] very precious about it. It went through many, many, many writers. Hopefully it won't take five years for the next one. But when I was in the process of creating this mythology for 'Chronicles of Riddick,' the idea was to create a story, a trilogy, that would start at the end of 'Pitch Black' in the same way that 'Lord of the Rings' is a trilogy that starts at the end, essentially, of 'The Hobbit.' So I wanted 'The…

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LINK: Elsewhere, in the Comics Blogiverse

Traffic's been up in these parts over the past couple of months, making me feel the need to post something relatively substantial every day, but the 9-to-5 hasn't been letting up and I've been attempting to get to bed before midnight on a regular basis, especially since the Con. Started on a post about making friends and enemies in comics that quickly devolved into snark and sarcasm, so I saved it to revisit with a clearer head at a later date, if at all. Instead, I'll spread some love...The blog links in the left column have been pruned and updated,…

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On The Shelves: 3/8/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 3/8/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK BrownsvilleABRAMS Moms Cancer HC, $12.95 No idea what this is, but it's a catchy title that would certainly get me to pick it up and give it a flip-through. That it's published by…

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Buzzscope / PopCultureShock Update

NOTE: We're slowly making the no-longer-secret shift back to PopCultureShock official, so please update your links and bookmarks accordingly: dug out from under the NY Comic-Con/Speakeasy-induced backlog last night and, excepting Comics You Should Own (which will be back on track this Friday), we're all caught up. A quick recap for those of you who don't regularly check in over there:Discord #2: NY Comic-ConNYC Mech's Ivan Brandon returns almost a year later, with the second installment of his Discord column, his take on the NY Comic-Con, along with some great pictures, including a few from our after-party.(Also, check out…

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COMMENT: Upper Deck’s X-Men Blunder

The latest expansion for the Upper Deck Vs. TCG, X-Men, has been out for about a week now. I've been on the fence about putting any money down for it since day one, mainly due to the fact that I'm not a huge fan of X-Men. I have to admit, though, I could have been persuaded; easily persuaded. When Upper Deck revealed the Mutant Trait addition to the character cards, that really piqued my interest. If it weren't for the Blizzard of 2006, I would have been at the Sneak Preview Tournament a few weeks back, but it wasn't meant…

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LINK: The Beat on NY Comic-Con

"The catastrophic success"I like that.I don't always agree with Heidi's take on things, but even when I don't, I respect her industry experience and insight. In this case, I think she nails both the good and bad of this past weekend's convention, while deftly shutting down those who questioned her potential bias due to her connections to Reed and Publisher's Weekly, and any further writings on the Convention should strictly focus on personal experiences. Enough with the gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes already!Kudos, Heidi.

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