LINK: Making Comics Better

Jason Rodriguez is a man on a mission. Realizing talking about comics doesn't make them better, he's taking action on two different fronts.1) The Hive: A collaborative brainstorming project to create new markets for comics.Yeah, in a way, it's "talking" about comics, but instead of the usual message board whining and gnashing of teeth, Jason's challenging people to come up with actionable ideas to make comics better. And he's leading by example, tossing up an idea every two weeks for discussion and debate, with an eye towards creating a viable template for indie publishers to follow to break free of…

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COMMENT: Buzzscope Update

I just sent out an email to all of our columnists updating them on what's what over at Buzzscope and, in doing so, was rather impressed with the roster we've put together over the past couple of months. Check it out:WeeklyRonée Garcia Bourgeois' "What A Girl Wants" (every Monday)Jim Salicrup's "Addicted to Comics" (every Wednesday)Semi-MonthlyFangirl Rampage, by Lauren Perry (1st & 3rd Thursdays)The Hive, by Jason Rodriguez (2nd & 4th Thursdays)Comics You Should Own, by Greg Burgas (2nd & 4th Fridays)MonthlyGuy LeCharles Gonzalez' "Establishing Shots" (1st Thursdays)Tania Del Rio's "Read This Way" (1st Fridays)Eric Shanower's "Man of the Hour" (2nd…

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On The Shelves: 1/11/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 1/11/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ANTARCTIC PRESS Gold Digger Color Remix #1 (Of 4), $2.99Think I'm going to finally check this one out. Flipped through a couple of issues in the past, and it didn't grab me, but I'm still curious.ASPEN MLT INC Soulfire Vol…

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Buzzscope Reviews…?

No date in the subject because there are no reviews this week! The Roundup format is going into the shop for a bit while we rethink our approach to reviews. Back when they represented a significant percentage of our content, I felt it was important to have a Roundup every week, even if it meant I had to crank out extra reviews myself just to make it worth running. Same thing's been happening since the switch to capsule reviews, though, making my Sunday nights suck ass as I'd often be up until 2am pulling it all together.As I've amped up…

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INFO: Comics Bloggers’ Poll 2005

Did you "create or contribute to a comics blog" in 2005? Then you probably have some pretty strong opinions about what you liked and didn't like in comics last year, yes? Now you can add your two cents to the discussion in a bit more concentrated way via the Comics Bloggers' Poll 2005.The comics blogging community is one of contradictions. Some writers enjoy the sensational excitement of mainstream superheroics, while others prefer the quieter and more varied fare of independent works. Some offer considered, even-handed analysis, while others shoot from the hip and refuse to make apologies for their passions.…

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COMMENT: Late-night Speakeasy Musings

I haven't had the time to really follow up on the whole Speakeasy situation myself, but I have been tracking the comics blogosphere which refuses to let the story die, including this rather humorous addition: Speakeasy Comics Archives, wherein a Jonathan Martin is attempting to pull together everything relating to the company's current woes. (CBR and NEWSarama still haven't bothered to cover it, of course.) Jason Richards - proprietor of one of my favorite comics shops, R!OT Comics + Culture, in Camp Hill, PA - has been the source of some interesting tidbits (as well as some great, heartfelt snark)…

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