Brain Dump: Thanksgiving Edition

Turkey Day was as close to perfect as I could imagine; Salomé and the kids, a few friends, some good food, low-stress. Friday we hung out in Jersey, and Saturday and Sunday we chilled. Priceless!Five things I'm thankful for, in no particular order (except for the first one): 1) Salomé, Isaac and India: Without them, I'd be a leaf in the storm.2) Friends: Near and far, real and virtual.3) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: For demonstrating on a weekly basis that there is still plenty of good left in this world.4) Comic Books: Because getting to the movies or reading a…

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COMMENT: Cosmic Spider-Man is Broken!

This past March, my sporadic co-blogger Dan did a write-up on the [new at the time] Marvel Knights expansion set to Upper Deck's Vs. System, the trading card game that lets you pit superheroes and supervillians against each other, Magic-style. I'd never played, but owned a few of the random cards that had been distributed with Wizard magazine back when I still bought it, and was mildly intrigued. I swore to resist the temptation, though, remembering it was Dan who, years earlier, had introduced me to Pokémon which sucked my wallet dry for about a year before I finally restricted…

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On The Shelves: 11/23/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!Ugh! Another Wednesday already? I'm so behind...on everything!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 11/23/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC Alias Convention 2005 Ed 3 Pack, $24.99Hmmm... desperate cash grab before the bottom falls out? Oh wait, it's already fallen out, they just don't realize it yet.APE ENTERTAINMENT Sullengrey #1…

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COMMENT: One Year Later Preview

Thanks to Jason Richards for boiling down the DiDio interview over at NEWSarama:Plastic Man is CANCELLED.Gotham Central is CANCELLED.Batman: Gotham Knights is CANCELLED.Batgirl is CANCELLED.JLA is CANCELLED. (wha? huh?!)Adventures of Superman is being CANCELLED and the Superman title is being reverted back to its original numbering (starting with #650).Flash is ENDING (not yet sure what the difference is with being CANCELLED).the "current run" of Wonder Woman is ENDING as well.Plastic Man is no surprise and actually has nothing to do with One Year Later. I believe low sales and Kyle Baker's contract ending took care of that one. Regardless what…

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COMMENT: October Sales Snark

Now that I've kind of gotten used to the Pulse not running their two sales tracking columns (they seem to have gotten back on track recently), I scan ICv2's numbers a bit more closely myself. Spurgeon and CBG do some great analysis, though, and their links are included here...INFINITE CRISIS TOPS THE OCTOBER SALES CHARTS!!!Well, duh! reports: "Infinite Crisis #1, with a total of 249,265, is second [in 2005 sales] only to Frank Miller and Jim Lee's All Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder #1, which sold 261,046 in July." Shipping with a variant cover by George Perez and…

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Has It Really Been One Year?

I knew this blog's one year anniversary was coming up sometime this month, but I just checked the archives and realized I missed it! My mother was right, I really am going to be late for my own funeral.My first post is dated November 11, 2004, but I vaguely remember back-dating that one so it could be first, a Top 5 list which I'd originally posted on whichever messageboard I was frequenting at the time. (Comic Fanatic, I think.)1. Gotham Central2. Teen Titans3. Conan4. Ex Machina5. The LosersInteresting how my tastes have changed. While all but the Teen Titans are…

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