COMMENT: September’s G*ddamn Sales Figures

Over on the Buzz Blog, I posted some comments on September's sales figures that saw All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #2 top the list with approximately 178,000 copies pre-sold to the direct market. Further down the chart, though, something else caught my eye:ARANA #8 (13,758) and #9 (12,920) both outsold the series that spawned her, AMAZING FANTASY #12 (11,983), though Araña can presumably look to its digest collections to justify its continued existence. She's also outselling Indie darlings (and Premier Publisher counterparts) GIRLS #5 (12,002), INVINCIBLE #26 (11,574) and SEA O/RED #4 (4,764), despite Marvel's pretty much…

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On the Shelves: 10/26/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/26/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]BROKEN HALOS Sinbuck Angel Eyes Wwcg Ed TPB, $14.95This gets the prize for Best Title of the Week. Mainly because it's a light week, and I have no idea what "Wwcg" means.DARK HORSE COMICS Revelations #3 (Of 6), $2.99Last issue…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 10/19/05

After last week's no-show, this week I've got two really good ones!X-Men and Power Pack #1Cynical bastards who'd rather question Wolverine and Sabretooth's convenient presence in the woods, or where this story fits in Runaways continuity need not even bother pick it up. They wouldn't understand. Everyone else, stop complaining about "What if Scarlet Witch Really Screwed Things Up?" and pick this up!Something So FamiliarSomething So Familiar evokes the visual power of Kyle Baker's Nat Turner and the poetic impressionism of Joshua W. Cotter's Skyscrapers of the Midwest, marking Alex Cahill as an artist to keep a close eye on.Our…

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LINK: When Comics and Politics Clash!

Over at Newsarama, a lively debate sprung up on their message boards. That's nothing new to Newsarama regulars, though. They have one of the most active forums on the web. Fans regularly log on to bitch *cough, cough* discuss topics related to comic books, but this one was slightly different. This time the "Hero" being written about holds a dubious place in history. Not the comic continuity type of history, real life history, as in you and me. The topic in the fanboy's crosshairs this time is Che Guevara.For those of you who don't know who he is, here is…

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NOT Like Riding a Bike

There’s plenty of things you can go back to after years away – particularly stuff that’s bad for you like smoking, and poetry slams – but school definitely isn’t one of them. Another weekend, another cram session, made that much more stressful by a week laid up with something flu-like and all day yesterday taken by Isaac’s 5th Birthday party.

The party was worth the delay, though, as Isaac had a blast with his first birthday/costume party, and even India got in the on the fun.


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Like a bad penny…

Me and poetry, together again for the first time in ages! Tuesday, October 25, 2005 @ 7pm Barnes & Noble Bookstore 3105 East Main Street Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 Helping Zork bring poetry to Westchester. Cover: FREE! This is right near where I graduated High School, so I'm paranoid I'll bump into someone I once knocked on the door of during my two-year stint as a Jehovah's Witness! How times have changed...

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