CBC Quickees: Home Sick Edition

Can't title these by the previous Wednesday anymore since my posting schedule and To Read pile are wildly out of sync. Been home sick most of this week, though, and have been able to cut the pile almost in half. Rocketo #1 and XIII #1 are still buried at the bottom, and I'm thinking I've given up on following either of them.Infinite Crisis #1 and House of M #7: Seemingly every comics blogger and their mother has offered some sort of commentary on these two blockbusters, so I'm going to split my two cents between them. IC was overly dependent…

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On the Shelves: 10/19/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/19/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC 10th Muse Vol 2 #5, $2.99 David Shepherds Song #2 (Of 3), $2.99 Deal With The Devil #5 (Of 5), $2.99 Legend Of Isis #4, $2.99 Opposite Forces Vol 2 #2 (Of 4), $2.99Now that they've lost…

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MEMO: Co-Worker, Two Cubicles Over

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!I'm sick and tired of hearing you constantly reference your Greek heritage like a leper explaining his lesions.On every single phone call.Don't blame Greek culture for your inability to communicate with people in a respectful, civil manner. It's not a Greek thing, it's a YOU'RE A SOCIALLY MALADJUSTED IDIOT WITH EXTREME SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES thing!!!Stop it now!And I don't want to hear any more about your terminally ill "roommate" you played lovelorn caretaker for when his family turned their backs on him for "being a loser." I'm really starting to think he stepped in front of that train…

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Holy Cow!

Just finished polishing off the first draft of my first official paper of the semester, for my Schooling in America class. Like 5 minutes ago, at 1:45am, when the last of 9 pages came out of the printer. Because I tend to edit as I go along, and do most of my research as I'm writing (thank god for Google!), it's really more like a second or third draft. We'll see what I think about it in the morning (well, later this morning) when I read it through with fresher eyes to see if it all makes sense, but I…

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Buzzscope: Friends Like These

My latest "Establishing Shots" column is up:In my inaugural column two weeks ago, I brazenly declared Buzzscope to be “the best goddamn comic book web site around!” I qualified that statement a little bit, offering that, even if we actually aren’t yet, we will be, and went on to give some of the reasons why I believe that to be true. A couple of days after, I received a “Welcome” email from the publisher of one of one of the smaller comic book magazines (not one of the three I mentioned in the column) and he offered an interesting assessment…

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A Rare 2005 Political Moment

In the 2004 Presidential election, Bush wasn't the only winner. Apathy struck a critical blow, too, in the non-action of the 40% of those eligible to vote who chose not to. Pretty much broke my spirit, even with accepting that not voting can be considered a vote in and of itself, as opposed to the more cynical "silence = consent."Anyway, I received an email this morning from the Working Families Party, asking members to support Fernando Ferrer's bumbling Mayoral run the old-fashioned way...with cash. Of course, I wasn't terribly pleased...--- "Dan Cantor, WFP" wrote:This time, we urge you to directly…

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Link: Infinite Crisis 101

I'm still gathering my thoughts about Infinite Crisis #1 - didn't love it, didn't hate it - but thanks to Troy Brownfield's excellent WHO WAS THAT CAPED MAN? A SPOILER HEAVY LOOK AT INFINITE CRISIS #1 article over at NEWSarama, I feel like I have a much better understanding of where it's coming from - and where it's possibly headed - and the final page reveal now has a lot more of an impact for me. Kind of ridiculous that it takes something extracurricular like this to make it work for all but the most anal-retentive of DC fanboys, but…

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