Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Unpatriotic soldiers, Dr. Bushlove, Howard Lieberdean & The Reality of 2004 First, protestors were being unpatriotic and endangering our troops by speaking out against the war. Now, the troops themselves are being told to shut up! Pentagon makes moves to contain complaints from US troops in Iraq Written by Douglas Quenqua Published on August 04

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Must see: http://www.bushflash.com/dlc.html While I don’t buy the Kucinich-Dean parallel, it’s a pretty powerful piece of propaganda. I’m watching the AFL-CIO / Working Families Forum on C-SPAN right now, featuring all nine candidates and it’s been a bit of an eye-opener so far. Interestingly, it’s being held at the Navy Pier in Chicago where this

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

“[Marc] announced a three-year sabbatical in ’99; by the fall of 2001 he was back. Without him, he says, things had gotten so bad that this year’s 14th annual National Poetry Slam… wouldn’t be happening otherwise.” “He says that some of the people who tried to step in while he was gone were looking to

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

I’ve given in to several requests and – crossing my fingers – have added a “comments” function to my journal. It’s actually a guestbook, a la Rich Villar’s, but I like the running commentary setup over the post-specific format. All I ask is that you have the courtesy to not be anonymous if you post

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Balseros One of the most heartbreaking documentaries I’ve ever seen. The flip side of Buena Vista Social Club and a must-see for all you pseudo-revolutionaries out there that need a little dose of reality to flesh out your one-dimensional rants. Director Carles Bosch makes no judgments on the lives of the Cuban rafters he follows

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

I survived. Oral surgery is barbaric. Dentists that reference Marathon Man while you’re in the chair aren’t funny. The actual extractions only took about 20 minutes. Slept with a mouthful of gauze last night. Curious about the vicodin but haven’t had any pain to justify taking it. Stayed home today, caught up on sleep and

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

“I know where weapons of mass destruction are… Joblessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. Homelessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Poor health care is a weapon of mass destruction. And when the government lies to the American people, that is a weapon of mass destruction!!” —

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Couple of weeks ago, I think it was July 3rd, I got out of work early and decided to take a long walk uptown before hopping on the train home. Skirted Battery Park, past the evil DMV and headed towards the hole in the ground formerly known as the World Trade Center. I walked up

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Running makes me feel good

The good thing about exercising is that once you get over the initial hump of reluctance and pain, it actually becomes a lot of fun. I’ve always been pretty lucky that, no matter how badly I get out of shape, I usually bounce back pretty quickly once I get serious. In just a month of

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Fulano, comic books and…porn stars?

Friday’s feature went really well. Ended up being a 20-minute set but, not knowing til the last minute, I’d prepared a flexible enough list beforehand (aka Down the Hatch: 2 beers, atomic wings & waffle fries!) and was pretty comfortable dealing with the time limit. Mixed some really old with some brand new as I

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