Wole Soyinka has this quote, "The tiger does not sing his tigritude." But, I think that if the tiger entered a world of leopards, he probably would. -- Mara JebsenApropos of nothing, I just love how Mara's mind works and her writing is second-to-none. This weekend was...tiring and counterproductive. Short, aimless getaways just don't work with kids this young. India throwing up in the car Friday night just as we had pulled into the Pathmark parking lot to go grocery shopping was a sign to cancel the whole trip and stay home. We didn't, of course, and the three-day weekend…
Reality Bites
A public apology to Helen Yum for not getting downtown to wish her farewell last night. :-( I tried, really I did, but between Sunday's trip to the zoo and all the walking I did yesterday, by the time we'd gotten the kids ready for bed and I picked up the laundry, I was exhausted. She's one of a handful of poetry people - as in, the ones I like above and beyond the poetry scene - that I'd go out of my way for, but I just couldn't do it last night. Another apology to everyone else I've stood…
I love The Onion. After watching Bush's speech tonight, it's clear what his re-election gameplan is: you like him or you don't. Plain and simple. He's going to let Kerry do the dancing for the swing vote and cross his fingers hoping JFK hangs himself with a misstep or two. Much as I hate the guy and everything he stands for, I can't say I'm willing to bet against him at this point. Kerry better come up with a mind-blowing, paradigm-shifting choice for VP. :-( PS: Apologies to the Acentos crew for not making it out tonight. The weather, my…
People I’m feeling right now
People I'm feeling right now: M.C. Siegel: mcpoet.blogspot.com The honest truth is that when I feel like I'm resisting this tendency I, for the life of me, cannot write. Emotional anguish and solitude are the perfect catalysts for my writing. Sadly enough, when I'm happy it's like being on soma, I have no ambition to commit my thoughts to paper. All I want to do is stay happy, kill time, and ignore the issues that make for the majority of my writing. It's just like drug-addiction...and it's the most normal thing in the world to do. The question I'm always…
louder than words update
The t-shirts just arrived and they look mah-velous! They will be available this Saturday for $15. Cheap! Don't sleep. Met with Eric and Helen over lunch earlier today to hash out the format and came out with some great ideas as well as identifying some potential pitfalls to avoid. I've gone from nervous and excited to nervous and ecstatic. It's either going to be a home run or a foul tip off the big toe! Last night's Acentos 1st anniversary show was a new high as the Blue Ox was packed old-school Nuyorican-style, with people on the floor and packed…
What’s next?
Monday night out and a 3-hour meeting starting at 8am don’t mix.
Hit 13 for the first time in months (lost track but it’s at least six) and had an…ah, interesting night. Always good to see Maureen who kept my glass so full that I actually had to pace myself for once. Early morning meeting and all. Sad that the thing I miss most from there is the 13inis.
The vibe for the show was a bit off with a light and low-energy crowd, weird considering it was the last qualifying slam of the season. (The glow, she has officially worn off, methinks.) With a disproportionate amount of Acentos regulars “on staff” and on the open mic and Nuyoricans dominating the slam that was actually short one poet, there were surprisingly few familiar 13 faces in the mix.
Halfway through the first round of the slam, I remembered its appeal. By the end, I was bored as hell.
Met with Bob (and Ed Greer) on Friday to nail down the details for louder than words. They love the concept and had some great input on the overall format, plus there's the possibility of Bob calling in some favors to book me some "big" names. Really, he's just hedging his bets there as they've been burned by lackluster shows in prime slots in the past and is concerned I'm targeting the usual audience which may garner a similar result. With less than a week to pull together the lineups in order to have enough time to do some promo…