Tag: Acentos

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Met with Bob (and Ed Greer) on Friday to nail down the details for louder than words. They love the concept and had some great input on the overall format, plus there’s the possibility of Bob calling in some favors to book me some “big” names. Really, he’s just hedging his bets there as they’ve

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Sent my BRIO submission in today, two days before the deadline. Thank you, Express Mail! It’s the first time I’ve submitted for something like this – other than a single poem entered in a Literal Latte contest way back in 1999; I just don’t have the self-discipline – and it was a real challenge to

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Stark lines in the sand

A recent discussion in Morris Stegosaurus’ journal and a conversation last night about the poetry scene got me thinking about change and evolution and what influences both. I haven’t been to Bar 13 in the longest and have been waiting for the next UPPERCASE to come around as a reason to go. UPPERCASE always represented

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

All kinds of random weirdness at Acentos last night, starting with the big ass pool table smack in the middle of the already-small-to-begin-with Blue Ox! Nice turnout, to the point where the open mic is starting to feel a little on the long side and Oscar even had to cut a couple of people. The

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

My Acentos Roundup

Of the “blogs of note” on the right, there’s a group of them that I think of as my Acentos roundup, even if some of them aren’t technically Acentos regulars or, in Nina’s case, I haven’t even officially met yet. It’s more that Acentos is like my second home and these are the people I

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

It wasn’t just the scene that had changed

When I asked for suggestions for non-political topics last week, I got some great feedback. Three of the suggestions were actually closely related so I figure what better way to end the week than with some exhibitionistic introspection? “…your first experiences with poetry/performing/and your growing pains in the scene.” “How has becoming a father changed

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Dear God, it’s me, Guy. Enough with the fucking snow!!!!! Let’s call it ghetto-OnStar. That’s when you get on your cell phone and have someone go online and give you directions via MapQuest because you’re lost in a blizzard! Last night, playing the good samaritan, I dropped off Bonafide and Jessica after a fun night

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

2003 In Review

This will have to last through Monday… 1. What did you do in 2003 that you’d never done before? Contributed $$$ to a political campaign. 2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Don’t generally make specific resolutions other than to be true to myself. I am

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Kucinich, Sharpton Shine in Debate

Rushed home last night after an amazing Acentos (Alixa and Naima absolutely blew me away with a provocative and political performance piece that went way beyond simple poetry!) and some interesting political discussions to catch Niteline‘s airing of highlights from the debate in New Hampshire. From the news reports I’ve read this morning, and the

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Acentos, hosting and potential drama

Tonight is Acentos and I’m feeling a little giddy already. When Oscar and Fish asked me to host tonight’s show a couple of months back, I didn’t think twice. I was honored! Now, the nerves are starting to kick in a little bit as it’s only eight hours away. I haven’t hosted anything in while

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