Tag: Acentos

Upcoming Gigs: Panel, Workshop, Evolution

I don’t do many events these days beyond the random open mic appearance at louderARTS or Urbana, so I’m very excited about these two gigs this week, the NY Round Table Writers’ Conference and Acentos Poetry Workshop, as well as the Conversational Marketing Summit I’ll be attending in June. NY Round Table Writers’ Conference Friday,

Anniversary Time!

Wow! Three years and eight years, respectively. Crazy shit! ACENTOS THIRD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONTuesday, March 28th @ 7:00pmfeaturing TRIO CON CUATRO,plus a Showcase of past features from the series’ three year run,With a special performance by SAHELI Our anniversary fiesta promises to be off all chains possible! Come check out a special presentation of the premier

You Can’t Serve Two Masters

There’s a passage somewhere in the Bible to that effect, the equivalent of the more recent “can’t have your cake and eat it, too.” The whole poetry & comics thing is one example, where a couple of months back I was inspired to get back into the scene and start performing again, only to be

Livin’ on the edge

Tell me what you think about your sit-u-a-tionComplication – aggravationIs getting to you Back in 1995, I attended AA meetings for 89 days, partly because I thought I had a drinking problem, but mostly to get closer to a girl I was interested in. Approx. 50 days in, I found myself in a bar with

Two Things

Two quick updates for y’all; one about me, one about the fam. First, the fam: Join the Acentos crew next week as they celebrate the move to their NEW home: The Bruckner Bar & Grill! Tuesday, May 10th @ 7:00pmACENTOSThe Bruckner Bar & Grill, 1 Bruckner Blvd(Corner of 3rd Ave; 6 Train to 138th Street

Life is cyclical

Life is cyclical, a simple if debatable truism. Live long enough, you will begin to see the patterns. Stand still long enough and you might get trampled by your past. I have no idea why but I felt the need to put that into words. In other news, since I have nothing particularly interesting to

At the risk of being called a liar on two different counts, allow me to clarify: in conjunction with Wanda Ortiz’s installation of Mercury/Mercurio a reading with be held at the Hostos Art Gallery, featuring Guy LeCharles Gonzalez and Jessica Torres Wednesday, November 3, 6pm Hostos Community College E 149th St & Grand Concourse, Bronx

John Rodriguez was a breath of fresh air at last night’s Acentos, dropping a solid mix of old and new work, as well as a nice little slam on half of the unusually weak open mic. “Hey, Guy, remember when I used to yell all my shit? Waving my hands like I was conducting the

It’s been four days since my last confession, Blogger, but in a rare switcheroo, I was busy talking smack over on my little-used LiveJournal account, commenting on the debacle that was the 2004 National Poetry Slam. I won’t get into it here other than to say, while I feel bad for those who attended and

Aniticpating Acentos

I don’t usually get nervous about a reading until 10-15 minutes before it starts so the premature butterflies that have been floating around since last night have me feeling really dizzy. I found out last night that my aunt, youngest on my father’s side and more like a cousin, is coming to the reading and

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