Toys R Us Kid no more

One of the primary things that separates the men from the boys is home ownership. More than marriage or fatherhood, buying a home is arguably the biggest commitment the average person can make, because you can always get divorced and disown your kid(s), but hell hath no fury like a mortgage payment scorned! I've never bought into the real estate as … Continue reading Toys R Us Kid no more

Primary Predictions: Prepared for the Worst

I'm fully prepared for the highly likely possibility that Clinton wins both OH and TX tonight, albeit narrowly, and if so, will rightfully declare that her campaign will continue through Pennsylvania's 4/22 primary. The "comeback kid" spin will be dizzying, again, for the next 24 hours, despite the reality being that she won't actually have managed to put much of a dent in the overall … Continue reading Primary Predictions: Prepared for the Worst