Yeah, Sounds About Right

I Am A: Chaotic Good Half-Elf Ranger Thief Alignment: Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups. Race: Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves. Primary Class: Rangers are…

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D&D: Mateo Cor Marak

Mateo Cor Marak Tiefling Rogue/Lvl 3 Male, 21yo, Chaotic Neutral Born into slavery in Innarlith (Lake of Steam) to the human concubine of a once-powerful wizard, Mateo was abducted by the local enclave of Red Wizards when the truth of his fiendish bloodline became known - Rakshasa, given away by his catlike eyes and pointed teeth. Raised from infancy along with three other Tieflings of varied bloodlines, he was constantly reminded of the taint of evil his ancestry marked him with, but held to the belief that his ultimate destiny was his own to determine. Rigorously trained in the arts…

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FLATLAND: The Village Gar’tor

By St. Cuthbert's beard, I signed up for the military to kill Orcs! Kobolds and half-orcs and the ignorant humans willing to deal with them were not what I'd expected. Never mind the undead! If I wasn't disappointed when they split Leoroar and I into different units, I certainly was when I fell beneath the claws of that damned skeleton. Two days after we'd arrived at Fort Greene, T'ohthin, grumpy old troll that he is, sent me and two others into the Blood Forest to deal with a "marauder" that was waylaying caravans leaving the Village Gar'tor, a small settlement…

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FLATLAND: Prologue

SAMUEL FLETCHER Ought-Seven:UE (Unasian Era) By the age of thirty-seven, Samuel Fletcher had cheated death more times than he could recall, thanking Olidammara at every opportunity. Taken from his village and pressed into military service at 15 years old, he’d come of age during a violent and lawless time, spending his next fifteen years fighting in the Thousand Years War – first as a capable soldier defending the northern regions of Flatland, then an unprincipled spy for the highest bidder, as kingdoms fell and borders shifted and original disputes were long-forgotten. At 30 years old, the War finally ended when…

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Crawfish Dreams, Venom’s Taste

I love randomly discovering new [to me] writers, especially when they're not well-known bestseller list types. That whole underdog thing. I finished Crawfish Dreams last week and am happy to say that Nancy Rawles is a remarkable talent! She weaves an intricate tale of a family of Creoles living in mid-80's Los Angeles into a delicious literary gumbo. Pretty Miss Camille Broussard is the roux, a strong base around which her family, the Watts "riots," and the dark side of Reaganomics all come to vibrant life. Her children, in particular, are so finely detailed that you want to smack them…

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Being the DM is tough work

All kids are germans. Not as in country of origin, but as in spreaders of sickness. Hoarders, too, I think, as they just pass their colds around amongst themselves and anyone else worn down enough to get in on the fun. "At least it's not the flu" has little meaning at this point, as once again, the kids are getting sick after a week's respite. I'd almost welcome a bout with something more serious over these terribly inconvenient bugs they keep catching. As if maybe one good one would harden the immune system against the lesser ones and let them…

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Chapter Two: A Change in Plans

Village Stethlan, Ches 1st (The Claw of the Sunsets), 1372 DR (The Year of Wild Magic)

The two stone towers guarding the bridge that crossed the Hazur River and led into the Village Stethlan were just visible on the horizon a half mile away to the south. The quintet had put about the same distance between themselves and the small port of Bixburg where the fishing boat had dropped them off an hour or so earlier. They had spent some time browsing the small market for native trinkets and fruits while Krell attempted to replenish the contents of his stomach that he’d lost into the River during the latter part of their trip.

“I will ne’er understand human’s fascination with creatures of the sea!” he complained, dismayed by the limited options offered by the lone fry shack – fresh fish and chips fried in boar’s fat – settling for two orders of raw chips and a mug of warm Stethlan Pale Ale. “At least they know how to craft a hearty brew.”

It was the first thing all five had agreed on and they’d joined Krell in a friendly round before setting out on the road south.

The loftily-named Hazur Promenade was a packed dirt highway that served as the primary trading route for the nomadic humans that lived on and worked the farmlands and light forests of central Tashalar, and supplied the small villages and ports along the River with everything from food and drink to timber and furs. They’d passed two caravans already, both heading north back to Bixburg, neither with any news of interest on the road to Stethlan.

The woodline had been cleared fifty yards from the road on their right, the angry river flowed freely on their left and the only shadows cast were their own which grew longer by the minute as the sun was well on its way to disappearing into the west. Though it offered relatively safe passage, the potential yuan-ti raid or griffon ambush caused them to pick up their pace a bit, wanting to make the village ahead of nightfall.


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