Tag: Music

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Farewell 2005

Don’t let the door hit you… No, not really! It’s been a year of extreme ups and downs (and the downs were particularly rough), but the end result has been relatively positive. For the most part. I’m too lazy to shoot from the hip like Salomé did, and I already covered the comics side of

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

COMMENT: On Snobs and Good Comics Shops

I hate snobs. Of any stripe, really; literature, movies, music, TV… I hated them in the poetry scene, where snobbery usually takes the form of condencension towards anyone who was popular and/or topical, without necessarily being the finest craftspeople. I hate them equally in the comics scene, where superhero fans are looked down upon like

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Buzzscope: What’s a Nubian? #1

When I first came across PopCultureShock.com last year, it was the combination of the favorable response in their forums to the announcement of Reggie Hudlin taking on Black Panther (in contrast to the immediate sniping over at NEWSarama and throughout the comics blogosphere, with ignorant comments like, “Oh no! He’s going to gangstify the Black

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Fun With Horoscopes

Every now and then, these things are eeriely appropriate: Use Those Ideas There is still a lot happening in your sign and in your personal life, Guy. The other great piece of news is that Mercury turns direct at the start of the week. This gives you the green light to go ahead with projects

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Try Something Different: 7/20/05

Support Independent Comics! Independent comics (and manga) being released tomorrow, 7/20/05, courtesy of ComicList. Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. Recommendations, sometimes blind, in BOLD. Which ones are YOU reading? ACTIVE IMAGES Gunpowder Girl & Outlaw

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

CBC INFO: Ch-ch-ch-changes…

Just a little heads-up on some changes afoot here at CBC. Most significant, in terms of content, is that I will no longer be posting current reviews, including ménage à trois, or interviews here. The Editor is a megalomaniacal control freak who insists on… Oh, wait, wrong site! I’m the Editor here! Seriously, though, last

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Eminem really stepped up to the plate with his latest single, Mosh, evoking memories of Public Enemy’s Fight the Power glory days and offering a glimmer of hope for rap’s going back to the future and becoming relevant again. The animated video is a powerful visual statement as well and needs to go into instant

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Luis Cartagena’s feature last night was…interesting. He’s an acquired taste and what I love about him most is his desire to push the boundaries of so-called performance poetry. He’s willing to take risks most of us wouldn’t go anywhere near and is always eager for feedback. I spent as much time watching his performance as

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

John Rodriguez was a breath of fresh air at last night’s Acentos, dropping a solid mix of old and new work, as well as a nice little slam on half of the unusually weak open mic. “Hey, Guy, remember when I used to yell all my shit? Waving my hands like I was conducting the

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Nothing like terror alerts, Footloose and ESPN NFL 2K5 to cap off a fun but tiring weekend! Something in Bloomberg’s demeanor during today’s press conference suggested this particular alert is the real deal and not some post-Democratic Convention political boogeyman cooked up by Karl Rove and friends. He looked intense and tired, like he’d been

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