Straight talk about the Clintons, the Media and South Carolina
Jack and Jill Politics has an excellent post entitled “The Clintons, Black Folk and America – A Reckoning” that takes the Clintons’ bait about how great the 90s were and feeds it back to them, barbed hook and all:
All folks, not just black, start to publicly dig into the past and challenge the assumptions of Bill’s blackness and his greatness.
Here’s what they find.
- The mass incarceration of black men, due largely to a failed “War on Drugs”…
- There was the deregulation of the banking industry…
- There was the expansion of media consolidation…
- There was the missed opportunity to set us on a path of a sane energy policy…
- There was “welfare reform”…
- There was the sitting by and watching millions of people get butchered in Rwanda
- There was the set of trade deals that lowered our standards and helped gut America’s ability to provide for itself…
I’m glad the ugly has come out. I’m glad Bill Clinton’s face is glowing so brightly and so red; the better to see this campaign by. I’m glad Bill Clinton is getting down and dirty and using his considerable political capital to smear a great presidential candidate. I’m glad The Clintons are calling in favors from their black beholden elected officials and power brokers. Because every time they do, we get to dig up another little nugget which has us questioning the entire premise of “The Clinton Administration.”
And I’m glad Hillary keeps moving closer and closer to Bill, closer to that co-presidency. Keep running on “experience.” Just don’t get mad when we help remind people what that experience really was, and why many of us never want to see it return.
The whole post is worth reading, not just for black people who are on the fence about Obama, but for anyone who’s still falling for the okey-doke that Bill Clinton was a great president and that Hillary is a shoo-in in November.
ETA: TPM’s Josh Marshall, a self-professed Clinton fan, has an insightful post about his own concerns surrounding “Bill 2.0“.