NY Comic-Con Journal: Day 0

So it all begins tomorrow... :-)Actually, it technically began about 3 hours ago as the ICv2 Graphic Novel Conference for Professionals is today, a series of panels on the past, present and future of graphic novels. Something I would have loved to attend, but alas, taking off tomorrow from work is about as much as I can handle. [EDIT: Tom McLean's coverage at the link.]The next three days promise to be a whirlwind of activity, with tomorrow probably being the most relaxed; once I get there, at least. Over the next 19 hours, I have to print some updated business…

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LINK: The X-Men (Vs.) Sneak Preview

The boys over at Metagame have an article up with pictures of the swag available at this weekend's preview tournament. Everyone gets a side-by-side stacker of Colossus and Wolverine doing the fastball special. Playmats, deck tins, and T-Shirts are random door prizes. The extended art Snikt! card is for top players in the tournaments. I've been to three sneak previews and each one was better than the previous. It's a great place to refine your knowledge of the game. You get 5 packs to build a 30-card deck, and you're on your way! Generally, seasoned players are really helpful to…

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No news is good news

...for the time being, at least. I'd say it's a 50/50 shot right now, which is actually a little better than what I thought a week or so ago. Keep those fingers crossed! In other news, I need a vacation. And another 3 hours added to each day! Ugh. PS: Cleared out 12,000+ emails from my loudpoet.com email this weekend, dating back to March 2005, when I abandoned it to an overload of spam. Caught a few emails of interest in my deleting frenzy, though - batches of 200, sorted by subject, made for some interesting anecdotal marketing research -…

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COMMENT: Growing Pains

Just a quick update, in lieu of any significant posting this week.1) Buzzscope is apparently experiencing some growing pains, as our server has been crapping out randomly over the past couple of days. They're working on getting it fixed, but your ability to access the site in the (very) short-term will be sporadic. Do keep checking, though, as a bunch of good stuff went up in the past two days, including the latest "The Hive"; "Comics You Should Own"; a double dose of "What's A Nubian?"; and the debut of Jenny Gonzalez' column, "Peripheral Images". Good times!2) On a sorta-related…

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On The Shelves: 1/18/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 1/18/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]AFTER HOURS 7 Days To Fame #2 (Of 3), $3.99One of several comics I owe a review of, the first issue was...interesting.AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Vaistron #3, $2.95Robot porn and so much more from the same sick bastard who…

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I’ve Been Infected

(Actually, a few days ago, but work's been kicking my ass this week.) This is the blog version of a chain letter Salomé "infected" me with. The point is to state 10 random things about yourself and "infect" ten others. Here we go...1) Despite the former poetry series, editing Buzzscope, and my apparently good reputation at work (see #2), I am one of the most disorganized people I know. My desk is almost always buried under piles of papers, most relating to jobs in various stages of incompletion.2) I can't take a compliment. Makes me feel awkward and I never…

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COMMENT: Cosmic Spider-Man is Broken!

This past March, my sporadic co-blogger Dan did a write-up on the [new at the time] Marvel Knights expansion set to Upper Deck's Vs. System, the trading card game that lets you pit superheroes and supervillians against each other, Magic-style. I'd never played, but owned a few of the random cards that had been distributed with Wizard magazine back when I still bought it, and was mildly intrigued. I swore to resist the temptation, though, remembering it was Dan who, years earlier, had introduced me to Pokémon which sucked my wallet dry for about a year before I finally restricted…

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