Category: Reviews

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Set This House in Order

Finished Matt Ruff’s Set This House in Order: A Romance of Souls yesterday. Absolutely amazing! He’s one of a handful of writers I want to BE. A description of the plot would be inadequate because his work is so layered and full of texture that it wouldn’t do it justice. Kind of like explaining procreation

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Fun with Merriam-Webster. con-tra-vene : The feeling that life is moving too slow and your kids are growing up too fast. sur-re-al-is-tic: Your mother telling your wife about finding the lingerie catalogs you used to hoard as a teenager, believing it’s true but not really remembering it happening. stul-ti-fy: Between louderARTS and Urbana’s combined 17

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

1. The Machiavellian Chronicles continue over coffee with my old boss this afternoon [Starbucks. She paid. I still feel guilty!] to discuss the current situation and the interesting direction it took earlier today. She’s the only one I actually trust and things could get very interesting as early as next week so I’m trying to

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

An entertaining tale, creatively told, with a great premise, I felt a little underwhelmed by the end. Part of that is definitely the hype effect as I’ve heard so much about Neil Gaiman being this amazing writer that it was next to impossible for him to blow me away. The stakes were too high for that.

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