Reviews of books, comics, movies, and other random stuff.

Indie Hype: Bumperboy

In my never-ending quest for great independent comics, I've come across some real gems and promoted the hell out of them. 100 Girls, Fade From Grace, Western Tales of Terror, Elk's Run and Skyscrapers of the Midwest are all great reads that not nearly enough people know about. The latest inductee to that stellar group is...{drum roll, please} Debbie Huey's Bumperboy!I reviewed it this week for Buzzscope, but wanted to give it an extra special shout-out because it's THAT kind of good. Check out if you want to really get sucked in like I've been. There's the great "Meet…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 7/7/05

[NOTE: A light week last week led to only three reviews, and my 7th wedding anniversary and a trip to New Orleans means I probably won't get any done this week.]Bumperboy Loses His MarblesYou show me someone who wouldn't enjoy the adventures of Bumperboy, and I'll show you someone who needs a good punch in the face! Marvel Team-Up #10Between the over-arching Titannus storyline that started back in the first issue, and the over-extended setups that stretch each arc to trade length while adding little of importance to the story itself, this version of Marvel Team-Up comes off as a…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 6/29/05

Forgotten Realms: Dark Elf Trilogy - Homeland #1An amazing addition to the four-color fantasy genre that has little going for it these days beyond Conan and Mu. As a D&D fan, it's the next best thing to playing the game. PLUS, interview with writer Andrew Dabb. Blacklight #1What would you do if you had super-powers? Scott Wherle offers a pair of intriguing polar opposites as an answer - plus a new Latina heroine! - while delivering an accessible and entertaining story.Elk's Run #2A compelling combination of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" and Stephen King's "The Body," with a healthy dose of…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 6/22/05

APComics 2005 PreviewCharging full-price for marketing promotions isn't cool. If this were a Free Comic Book Day offering, or even a $0.99 promo, it might have earned an A.Catwoman #44New creative teams are always a good time to peek in on a title you've never read before, or dropped a while back, and Pfeiffer and Woods get off to an entertaining start that's relatively accessible to new readers. Deal with the Devil #2Schwartzrock's art is solid, blue collar work that complements the real-world feel of the story. Unfortunately, it's more plot-driven than character-driven, and while sporting an interesting premise, its…

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Comment: Handicapping Batman Begins

As of Tuesday, June 21, Batman Begins has made $84,928,817 at the domestic box office, already ranking it as the 20th highest-grossing comic book adaptation ever. The Top 5 on that list are:Spider-Man: $403,706,375Spider-Man 2: $373,585,825Batman: $251,188,924Men in Black: $250,690,539X2: X-Men United: $214,949,694Assuming a typical 50% dropoff this weekend, I'm guessing it'll leapfrog into the 13th spot, just behind The Hulk at #12 with $132,177,234. From there, though, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out, especially with the Fourth of July holiday next weekend which should boost its take despite War of the Worlds opening that weekend.My prediction?…

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Pull List Review: June 2005

Here's what I'm currently buying on a regular basis, and why. What about you?100 GirlsBecause it's a great story, and Adam Gallardo's an interesting guy.15 MinutesBecause it makes C-list superheroes interesting.Action PhilosophersBecause it's smart and funny and takes more than 5 minutes to read each issue.ArañaBecause I really wanted it to be good, and have been hoping it gets there. (Though, honestly, my hope is fading fast.)The AtheistBecause it has an intriguing plot and a brother as a lead character who isn't a stereotype. (Well, not a bad one, at least, because he's definitely a bit of the stereotypical Sam…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 6/15/05

Batman Begins: The Official Movie AdaptationWhile hitting all of the major plot points, there are several moments where Nolan must have altered the script during shooting to tighten things up that Beatty obviously wasn't privy to, completely ruining its function as an "official" adaptation of the movie and making its very existence ultimately pointless. Black Diamond On RampWhile the concept itself has potential, there's not much in this slight introduction to suggest that Young will pull it off thanks to its Marvel-style decompression and lack of any emotional connection to the lead character.GI Joe: America's Elite #0With Casey and Caselli…

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