Holy Cow!

Just finished polishing off the first draft of my first official paper of the semester, for my Schooling in America class. Like 5 minutes ago, at 1:45am, when the last of 9 pages came out of the printer. Because I tend to edit as I go along, and do most of my research as I’m writing (thank god for Google!), it’s really more like a second or third draft. We’ll see what I think about it in the morning (well, later this morning) when I read it through with fresher eyes to see if it all makes sense, but I have to say I’m feeling a nice burst of energy right this minute that’s not just from the two cups of coffee I had a couple of hours ago to keep me awake.

If this one is as close to finished as I think it is, and I can polish off my other paper – a presumably easier artist’s interview with an artist I’ve yet to identify! – I’m thinking I’ll be all right this semester after all and that going back to school wasn’t a presumptuous mistake on my part.

Because in all seriousness, I was having my doubts this morning. I mean, yesterday morning. :-/

One thought on “Holy Cow!

  1. If you want a great resource for research, check out j-stor.org . It searches through hundreds of various journals, by category, all of which are accessible online. I never would have survived grad school without it. Just thought I’d let you know, in the event that google ain’t hacking it…mcs

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