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Hello, March. You’re looking good!

This past Winter has sucked on a number of levels, not the least of which is the apparent Gonzalez Plague that’s been bouncing between the four of us for what seems like three months now. It was India’s turn this weekend — she stayed home sick today after not being able to sleep well with congestion, a sore throat and possible ear infection — while I’m still recovering from my go-round last week.

But March is slowly shaping up to be a banner month for the Gonzalez Clan as the house search — of which I’m not allowed to talk about any more until we have an accepted offer and signed contract — took an interesting turn this weekend. The upshot is we’re well positioned to find something a lot better than we could have hoped for three years ago, and have an outside shot at something particularly amazing if we can pull it off. Fingers crossed, please!

Of good news I can talk about, though, I put in my two weeks notice at the 9-to-5 this morning and as of March 24th will become the Advertising Sales Director for a trio of consumer enthusiast magazines, including the one I’ve been selling for the past year. (Yes, I was poached!) My first day at the new job will be almost 18 months to the day I made the move from marketing to sales at my previous job, a place which has seemingly slipped further into the toilet over the past year, and will put me three years ahead of the “5 Year Plan” I put forth while still there back in 2006, when the latest Marketing Director came onboard.

At that time, I said I wanted to move into sales within 2 years and then into an Ad Director position by the 5th year. Instead, I managed to pull off the former 6 months later and the latter in only 2 years! I’m still waiting for the high to wear off and the pressure to set in, but until it does, it’s celebration time!

Tonight, I’ll be attending Bob Holman’s “Bob’s Not 60” party at the Bowery Poetry Club where he’s lined up 60 poets and performers to fete him throughout the night.  I’m going to read his “Whatever I Was Thinking Of” in tribute and will be hanging by the bar for a while toasting my own success — come on by; there’s no cover tonight! — before heading up to 13 to catch the end of louderEDGE. Or not!

Who knows what a Monday night in March might bring?

PS: While louderARTS will be celebrating its 10th anniversary next month, this month is actually the official 10th anniversary of ‘a little bit louder’, the reading series that begat louderARTS. My boy Eric’s in town so there will be an anniversary ICB toast or two at some point tonight.  🙂

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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