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Pull List Review: June 2005

Here’s what I’m currently buying on a regular basis, and why. What about you?

100 Girls
Because it’s a great story, and Adam Gallardo‘s an interesting guy.

15 Minutes
Because it makes C-list superheroes interesting.

Action Philosophers
Because it’s smart and funny and takes more than 5 minutes to read each issue.

Because I really wanted it to be good, and have been hoping it gets there. (Though, honestly, my hope is fading fast.)

The Atheist
Because it has an intriguing plot and a brother as a lead character who isn’t a stereotype. (Well, not a bad one, at least, because he’s definitely a bit of the stereotypical Sam Jackson badass.)

Because of it’s potential, and Andrew Dabb‘s a cool guy.

New Avengers
Because it’s dumb superhero fun. No more, no less.

Young Avengers
Because it’s way better than it has any right to be; good superhero fun without the dumb.

Because it’s been pretty good under Gabrych’s direction and I need a regular Batfix because Winnick has made Batman unreadable and Gotham Knights has been stagnant.

Black Panther
Because I want it to to succeed, and I love how Hudlin’s making the fanboys lose their minds.

Captain America
Because Brubaker has made him interesting to me for the first time.

Captain Gravity And The Power Of Vril
Because Greg recommended it and he has pretty good taste.

Because Busiek and Nord have nailed the character and the setting, making both incredibly appealing.

Because the Decalogue arc looked interesting and, so far, has been great!

Death, Jr.
Because it was a random pickup that was surprisingly entertaining.

El Gato Negro
Because it’s a self-published Latino character written by a Latino, and it’s actually pretty good!

Elk’s Run
Because it’s got great atmosphere and art, and Joshua Hale Fialkov obviously has a passion for it.

Because I’m a sucker for atmosphere and this one has it in spades.

Ex Machina
Because it combines two of my favorite things, superheroes and politics, and keeps it interesting without ever being didactic.

The Expatriate
Because I have no idea what might happen next and I don’t want to miss anything.

Ultimate Fantastic Four
Because Ellis nailed the characterization. (Unfortunately, Millar and Land are coming onboard to screw it all up.)

G.I. Joe: America’s Elite
Because the introductory issue did its job by roping me in and making me curious about the characters.

Gotham Central
Because it is one of the most consistently good, sometimes great, comics being published right now.

The Grimoire
Because it’s full-speed ahead fun and the raccoon, Chai, is one of the coolest characters EVER!

Alan Moore’s Hypothetical Lizard
Because it makes me think about what I’m reading, after making me reread it twice.

Lex Luthor: Man of Steel
Because Lex Luthor has the potential to be a really interesting character when done right, and so far, Azzarello’s been doing him right.

The Losers
Because I like Bruckheimer movies and Andy Diggle’s a smarter writer than any of JB’s screenwriters have been.

Because it’s an interesting spin on fairy tales that proves all-ages comics don’t have to be dumb.

Machine Teen
Because I loved what Sumerak did with Power Pack and Hawthorne’s a fun artist.

Because Harmon’s got talent and he’s telling an intricately layered story that I haven’t figured out yet.

Because I love Dungeons & Dragons and this is the closest I’ve come to it in comic book form.

NYC Mech: Beta Love
Because sometimes a comic leaves you breathless and giddy.

Papa Midnite
Because a brother’s writing it and featured in it, and it’s actually a pretty interesting story.

Because the letters column is often as good or better than the comic itself.

Random Encounter
Because never has the title of a comic been a more appropriate description of the feeling you get while reading it. And I love the art!

Because I like Vaughan and would rather read his take on characters he created than the Ultimate X-Men.

Skyscrapers of the Midwest
Because it’s quite possibly the best first two issues of a comic book that I’ve ever read.

Son of Vulcan
Because Beatty remembers comics used to be fun.

Western Tales of Terror
Because anthologies don’t have to suck.

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Greg

    Damn it. I keep forgetting to get Elk’s Run and Western Tales of Terror. I suck. I’m glad you’re around to keep reminding me.

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