COMMENT: One Year Later Preview

Thanks to Jason Richards for boiling down the DiDio interview over at NEWSarama:Plastic Man is CANCELLED.Gotham Central is CANCELLED.Batman: Gotham Knights is CANCELLED.Batgirl is CANCELLED.JLA is CANCELLED. (wha? huh?!)Adventures of Superman is being CANCELLED and the Superman title is being reverted back to its original numbering (starting with #650).Flash is ENDING (not yet sure what the difference is with being CANCELLED).the "current run" of Wonder Woman is ENDING as well.Plastic Man is no surprise and actually has nothing to do with One Year Later. I believe low sales and Kyle Baker's contract ending took care of that one. Regardless what…

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Holy Cow!

Just finished polishing off the first draft of my first official paper of the semester, for my Schooling in America class. Like 5 minutes ago, at 1:45am, when the last of 9 pages came out of the printer. Because I tend to edit as I go along, and do most of my research as I'm writing (thank god for Google!), it's really more like a second or third draft. We'll see what I think about it in the morning (well, later this morning) when I read it through with fresher eyes to see if it all makes sense, but I…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 10/5/05

Cranked a few out this week, including our first "Staff Picks" entry...Amazing Fantasy #13With the underlying concept of superpowered humans who eschew capes and tights – and are inherently more dangerous as a result – Karl Kesel quickly establishes a credible setting that begs for elaboration, while teasing just enough information to pique the readers interest.Conan and the Demons of Khitai #1 (of 4)Editor Scott Allie has proven to be a worthy steward of Robert E. Howard’s storied barbarian, and with Demons of Khitai, it looks as if he’s once again caught lightning in a bottle as Akira Yoshida and…

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On the Shelves: 10/5/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something NEW!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/5/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]AMAZING AARON PRODUCTIONS College Girl Named Joe Vol 2 TPB, $14.95The "front of the back of Previews" strategy - whereby you name your company something starting with an "a" - garners Amazing Aaron a best name of the week nod.APE ENTERTAINMENT Justice…

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INFO: Free Manga; Marvel Misstep

SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE MANGA MAGAZINE!There are two ways to get Takuhai—in print and online—and each one has its own cool stories and articles.Your Takuhai Online account lets you vote for your favorite manga on the Web—plus, it gives you access to all the great feature stories, all the manga previews and all the how-to articles.Your subscription to the Takuhai print edition gets you a magazine delivered to your home via U.S. Mail. It's not available on newsstands! Every issue of the FREE Takuhai print edition will be packed with pages and pages of manga previews, behind-the-scenes with manga…

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CBC Quickees: 9/8/05

No Buzzscope reviews this week as my both of my kids started school last week and I started today (online), so free time has been scarce. The past two weeks' lessened output have been an unexpected but refreshing break as every now and then it's nice to simply read comics for the pleasure. On that note...The Adventures of BioBoy #1: Irreverant fun, beautifully illustrated by NYC Mech's Andy MacDonald. Creator/Writer Sal Cipriano's got an intriguing concept here, with bonus points for two "complete" stories in this issue, but the next issue or two needs to flesh it all out a…

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Barbara Bush is an idiot.

Barbara Bush: Relocation 'working very well' for poor"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," [Barbara Bush] said during a radio interview with the American Public Media program "Marketplace." "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

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