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Two Things

Two quick updates for y’all; one about me, one about the fam.

First, the fam:

Join the Acentos crew next week as they celebrate the move to their NEW home: The Bruckner Bar & Grill!

Tuesday, May 10th @ 7:00pm
The Bruckner Bar & Grill, 1 Bruckner Blvd
(Corner of 3rd Ave; 6 Train to 138th Street Station)

The Uptown’s Best Open Mic & features

…It’s going to be a fiesta of the highest order as Acentos continues to expand in its third year of bringing the best poetry to the Bx! More spacious locale, more food, and two features to set it off right.

Magdalena Gómez is a Bronx native and nationally celebrated poet and playwright. Emmanuel Ortiz is a third-generation Chicano/Puerto Rican/Irish-American community organizer and spoken-word poet residing in Minneapolis. Where else but Acentos can you catch such a tremendous double feature of poetic bravado? Get there early as we will be having a FREE buffet to start the evening!

ACENTOS @ The Bruckner Bar & Grill
Hosted by Oscar Bermeo
FREE! ($5 Suggested Donation)

Check me out on!

Last week I signed on with the recently re-launched pop culture site, – f/k/a – one of my favorite comics-related sites that’s home to some of the funniest, enlightening, and insightful columns on the internet. They also publish weekly reviews to which I’ll be contributing my fair share, starting with last week’s reviews of Batgirl #63, The Losers #23, Lullaby #2, Red Sonja #0, and the newest addition to my 2005 Top 10 (so far…), 15 Minutes #3. Check them out and leave some comments behind.

I’ll also be contributing interviews, as well as a feature package now and then, including a Free Comic Book Day roundup, the first half of which is up now.

My goal is to take advantage of their larger audience to spotlight good comics, particularly the underappreciated indies and underdogs of the Big Two, as well as the creators busting their asses to make those comics good. Bookmark the site and check me out regularly!

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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