Glutton for Punishment

Quick update...School is taking some time to fall into place as I get used to the pitfalls of independent study. I've never been particularly good at self-discipline but if I get through this, it'll only be because I got better at it.Of course, because I like to make things as tough as possible, I went and added a little extra to my already overloaded plate. Effective October 1st, I'll be taking over as Senior Comics Editor for Buzzscope.Yikes!

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Buzzscope Reviews: 9/21/05

...and a couple of other things below, including a "big" announcement.ShadowHawk #5Recommending this as a jump-on point, which under normal circumstances it would be perfect as, comes with a huge caveat because of the upcoming changes that will supposedly represent "a complete 180."In the Scope: Beckett’s New Image ExaminedJeff Amano and Gabriel Benson reflect on the past and offer a peek into the future, including a sneak peek at the cover of their first new release for 2006.The Comics Shrew once noted that I make a "habit of trying to herd cats," in reference to my Industry Buzz column over…

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INFO: Free Manga; Marvel Misstep

SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE MANGA MAGAZINE!There are two ways to get Takuhai—in print and online—and each one has its own cool stories and articles.Your Takuhai Online account lets you vote for your favorite manga on the Web—plus, it gives you access to all the great feature stories, all the manga previews and all the how-to articles.Your subscription to the Takuhai print edition gets you a magazine delivered to your home via U.S. Mail. It's not available on newsstands! Every issue of the FREE Takuhai print edition will be packed with pages and pages of manga previews, behind-the-scenes with manga…

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LINK: Hope for One Year Later?

[via Fanboy Rampage]"The good new [sic] is, and I garauntee [sic] you this, when we're on the other side of the CRISIS, those days are GONE. Just gone. We're sick to death of heroes who are not heroes, we’re sick to death of darkness...Batman's broken. Through no ONE person's fault, but he's a dick now. And we've been told we can fix that."--Mard WaidI'll believe it when I see it, but damn, I really hope he's right!

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LINK: Comics Sales Figures

[via The Beat]I'm going to come back to this at a later date because this sort of thing fascinates me, but for now, I just wanted to bookmark it.A Quick Business History of Comic Books: Part One (1934-1960)A Quick Business History of Comic Books Part Two: 1960-2005For now:1942Captain Marvel 1,000,000 plus Superman 1,000,000 plus Walt Disney Comics and Stories 1,000,000 Batman 913,000 Captain America (peak sales, circa 1942) 900,000 All-Star Comics 440,800 Shadow (1941) 400,000 Ace Comics 279,163 King Comics 256,653 Blue Bolt Comics 200,490 2005Shonen Jump 177,000The New Avengers 154,000*Astonishing X-Men 134,000*Superman/Batman 117,000*Superman 104,000*Wolverine 89,000*Ultimate X-Men 87,000*Ultimate Spider-Man 86,000*Amazing…

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CBC Quickees: 9/14/05

Better late than never, and it's a small but mostly good batch...All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder #2 (DC Comics, $2.99): Oh, Frank, what in the hell are you doing? On first read, I groaned at how bad the scripting was, particularly Batman who sounds like a crazed Adam West auditioning to play Sin City's Marv. Then I read Fossen's take on it, and skimmed through it a second time. And I groaned again! A little bit louder. Regardless of what Miller's intent is with this story, the fact of the matter is that his writing is godawful. Considering…

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On The Shelves: 9/21/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something NEW!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 9/21/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ARCANA STUDIODead Men Tell No Tales #1 (Of 4), $3.95Starkweather Vol 1 TPB, $9.95Thanks to 100 Girls, anything Arcana puts out gets an automatic look, though Dead Men sounds like something I'd take a peek at regardless. Didn't realize it was going…

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