COMMENT: Newsarama Interview with JQ, Part II

Last week I posted the following portion of an interview Newsarama did with Joe Quesada. "NRAMA: "When do the events in Spider-Man: The Other, Secret War, and House of M happen in relation to one another?"JQ: Actually, we have this listed somewhere but it's now 3:45AM and I can't think straight. Not copping out on you but lets get back to this question next week and I'll have the info handy."I was curious to see if JQ would answer the question the following week, or if he would duck it completely. More importantly though, would Newsarama ask it again? The…

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COMMENT: Newsarama Interview with JQ

Last week, Newsarama did an extra holiday edition of their Joe Fridays weekly interview with Joe Quesada. During the interview the following came up:"NRAMA: "When do the events in Spider-Man: The Other, Secret War, and House of M happen in relation to one another?"JQ: Actually, we have this listed somewhere but it's now 3:45AM and I can't think straight. Not copping out on you but lets get back to this question next week and I'll have the info handy."Two thoughts came to me immediately after reading this.1st: I'd like to see if, and how the hell he explains this one.…

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COMMENT: You Like Drama, Yes?

That's the only way I can think of to explain why, of the two links to this blog from The Beat earlier this week, way more people clicked over to the ongoing Speakeasy drama than did my bit on the general lack of interest in comics journalism. Like five times more. As I wrote to Tom Spurgeon, in response to his criticism of a PW Comics Week article last week, "the comics industry is simply too small and insular to support legitimate journalistic oversight - outside of independent efforts like [The Comics Reporter] and the sporadic gems that pop up…

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LINK: Even More on Speakeasy

Chuck Saterlee pulls the curtain back a bit further over on the Bendis Board thread that started it all. I'm quoting it in its entirety as I wouldn't be surprised if he was asked/made to delete it at some point, as it airs what could charitably be called dirty laundry.My name is Chuck Satterlee and I have/had two books with Speakeasy. The titles are SMOKE & MIRROR and OF BITTER SOULS.My association with Speakeasy has been decent on a personal level and disastrous on a professional level.To start, I have never had a personal problem with Fortier or anyone else,…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 12/14/05

This week, I go the capsule/quickee route on AMELIA RULES! #16, DMZ #2, SON OF M #1 and X-FACTOR #1, while others take on MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN #21, THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF ONE PAGE FILLER MAN and more. Check it out.Also, be sure to check out Ronée's interview with Chris Moreno, up-and-coming artist of Dracula vs. King Arthur and, one of my favorites, Monkey In A Wagon Vs. Lemur On A Big Wheel.Finally, keep in mind that we're adding comics content almost every day, so be sure to hit the Comics section when you visit, not just the main page,…

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Buzzscope: Speakeasy Shakes Things Up

[NOTE: This post has been archived here.] In the Scope: Speakeasy Shakes Things Up Diamond’s stricter policy on pre-orders causing ripples throughout the industry "The independent comic books are just not selling well right now (look at many peoples’ sales)," [Speakeasy publisher, Adam] Fortier conceded. "Printers are changing their policies, Diamond is changing their policies; it means we have to think outside the box and offer alternatives." Second only to my Charlie Huston interview and tagging Rich Watson for a column as my favorite contribution to Buzzscope to-date, though it may be a tad bit rambly as it all came…

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On The Shelves: 11/23/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!Ugh! Another Wednesday already? I'm so behind...on everything!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 11/23/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC Alias Convention 2005 Ed 3 Pack, $24.99Hmmm... desperate cash grab before the bottom falls out? Oh wait, it's already fallen out, they just don't realize it yet.APE ENTERTAINMENT Sullengrey #1…

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