Little League Time!
On Saturday, we signed Isaac up for another season of Little League baseball and I agreed to coach again. Last year it was non-competitive Tee Ball and it turned out to be a lot of fun, but this year we’ll be moving up to the Bantam level which is where things officially get competitive. Talking with the
Random Thought on Race
Barack Obama is half black, half white and was raised mostly in Hawaii and Indonesia, but is considered by most to be the “black” candidate. I’m half Puerto Rican and, depending on who’s telling the story, probably a quarter black and a quarter white, and was raised in and around New York City. If I ran for President,
Monday Mash-up, 2/4/08
1) While a couple of good things happened in January (most notably an unexpected promotion at work to Online Ad Sales Director for all of our properties!), overall it was as bad a start to 2008 as I could have imagined. Nothing major, but a lot of bumps in the road that tested my constitution
Hope vs. Cynicism
I’m a pretty cynical person most days, but I have a couple of good friends who make me look like the love-child of Mother Theresa and Gandhi. One of them emailed me today asking me to convince him about Obama: “C’mon Guy, if anyone can sell me, it’s you….do your worse…..convince me why I’m not just settling
Theme Song
Every superhero needs a theme song, and now Obama has one… [youtube:] Yes We Can! (Via, with a hat tip to Andrew Sullivan. NOTE: YouTube link updated. Original link was taken down for some reason.) * Yes, that’s Kate “Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd” Walsh in there! 🙂
International Delete Your Myspace Account Day
[via Bloggasm, with a hat tip to Nick Mamatas] If you’re reading this and you’ve experienced any of the things on the list below, your account may be in need of deletion: 1. You rarely log in to Myspace except to delete spam friend requests from nude webcam girls. 2. You spend five minutes writing
On self-discipline and self-flagellation
The most difficult aspect of writing, for me, has always been the self-discipline required to write every day, no matter what. I simply don’t have any. (Not just for writing, either, but that’s a whole other post!) There are a number of legitimate reasons excuses I could put forward to explain why it’s so difficult to
High School Musical
Taking a break from politics for some mindless memeing… Go to this convenient compilation site right here and find the five years you were in high school. For each year, admit to the song that was your favorite at the time, then decide which one you now generally consider to be the best song
WordPress Upgrade 2.3.2
I just manually upgraded WordPress to the latest version (2.3.2) and had my fingers crossed the whole time that I wouldn’t crash my site or destroy my database or something. All seems good on the back-end, though, and this post should confirm that my Facebook and LiveJournal cross-posting plug-ins are still working. ETA: All systems
Time Out!
Okay, once I start posting 2am rants about politics, it’s clearly time to pause for a deep breath and talk about something else for awhile. … Spindle? Chugging along quite nicely. We hit 15,000 page views on Sunday and today’s update concludes the “official” launch. Now I have to start working on February’s content, including a new Notable New