Category: Personal

NOLA Water Meter Cap

Thinking About New Orleans #mojogce

Group creativity experiment: 1 – “Litanie des Saints,” Dr. John I’ve always felt a personal connection to New Orleans. My mother’s family lived in Baton Rouge for a long time, and I spent a few summers down there as a kid. I remember one summer coming back home with a slight accent that never fully

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Collaboration is the Killer App – #DIYdays

For a writer, it’s an amazing opportunity to leverage the full depth of their creations through a truly collaborative process — ideally starting after the first draft is written, IMO — instead of parceling out chunks of rights for a licensing fee and complete loss of control.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Why Keep Blogging? and other SXSW Takeaways

The best blogs are driven by passion, not obligation, and that you can tell when someone is just feeding the machine to maintain their traffic, a la Seth Godin, for whom I often use the hashtag #bloggingtoohard.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

On DBW, SXSWi, Upcoming Gigs and Steampunk

You’re losing control of your own destiny. Authors, distributors and readers are getting closer to each other. –Shiv Singh, Engaging Readers in the Digital Age Three weeks ago, when I last posted something here, I was on the verge of completely disappearing into Digital Book World, both the conference and the community that spun out

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Generalization Fail

When you’re ranting about the evils of “Big Publishing”, it helps to remember that for every My Life Outside the Ring, there’s also Boneshaker, and The Poetry of Pablo Neruda, and the entire First Second catalog! All of those happen to fall under the Macmillan umbrella. I’m not saying publishing isn’t all screwed up right

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Shout-Outs: Lanier, Wendig and the Robots

“The combination of hive mind and advertising has resulted in a new kind of social contract. The basic idea of this contract is that authors, journalists, musicians, and artists are encouraged to treat the fruits of their intellects and imaginations as fragments to be given without pay to the hive mind. Reciprocity takes the form

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

It’s Hard Out Here for a Pragmatic Optimist

“Publishing was never a business based on Wharton standards. It was a rich boy’s hobby.” –Steve Wasserman (Kneerim & Williams) Working in publishing isn’t for the meek. Neither is writing for that matter. They’re two things I’m really passionate about, though, and I’ve always counted myself lucky to work in the publishing industry, despite the

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

New Year’s Publishing Predictions, Resolutions

I’m not usually one for making predictions — the only thing I hate more than gurus and pundits are self-proclaimed futurists! — but I couldn’t pass up offering my two cents to Folio: for their 2010 round-up of magazine and media predictions: Consolidation and debt restructuring will continue apace. More niche brands will focus on

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

My Next Tattoo?

The 100 Greatest Movie Characters | Empire | 79. Boba Fett “Before his back story was rewritten, Boba Fett was the coolest thing in the Star Wars universe that wasn’t played by Harrison Ford.” I’ve been trying to decide what my next tattoo would be for about 3-4 years, and have wavered between text and

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Bury Me in the Leaning Rest (for Veteran’s Day)

Bury Me in the Leaning Rest C-130 rollin’ down the strip Airborne Daddy gonna take a little trip Mission Top Secret Destination Unknown He don’t know if he’s ever coming home… An old Army buddy emailed me out of the blue a while back. Found me on the Internet amongst too many “friends” I barely

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